+Welcome to the official guide for World Machine!+

+...World Machine Universe Simulator (WM) is a series of non-artificial content generators.+
+WM is a shared knowledge, therefore anyone and anything can participate in the ideology. there are as many "participants" as you might have ever known...+

+Specification Documents+


+...WM has followed numerous conceptualizing, research, and prototyping before it could finalize into what it is now, even to this day still updating.+
+Start by reading the documents below to join the shared knowledge.+

+World Machine Family+


+...Since WM has been proven as a concept, many series were developed to chant new mechanics.+
+The following documents evaluate the specification of these.+

(more coming soon...)

+Demonstration / Showcase+

+...WM demonstrations and showcases can be found in this section.+

+World Machine Instruction Manuals+

+Media / Resources+

+...If you like the idea, there are resources available to engage in more context.+